Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner
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Family of domestic abuse victim praise new plan to tackle Violence Against Women and Girls

The family of a woman who lost her life at the hands of her abusive partner has welcomed the introduction of a new five-year plan to tackle Violence against Women and Girls in Nottinghamshire.


Tara Newbold’s closest family and friends turned the devastation of losing her into a positive way of helping others in the same situation by setting up Tara’s Angels, an organisation which helps women fleeing violent relationships, in the wake of her death.


Charity volunteer Tara, 29, was found dead at her home in Alford Court in West Bridgford on 25 October 2016.


Click to hear from Tara's family


Since Tara's death, the organisation has been providing basic essentials for women and children living in refuges, while also helping to make homes more secure by purchasing safety equipment.


Partner agencies have now come together to launch the Nottinghamshire Violence Against Women and Girls strategy which has been co-created and co-owned by Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Nottinghamshire, working alongside local authorities who have a statutory duty to tackle the issue, as well as domestic and sexual violence support practitioners across the city and county.


Read the full story and explore the VAWG Strategy - Family of domestic abuse victim praise new plan to tackle Violence Against Women and Girls (pcc.police.uk)


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Jay Martin
(OPCC, Med, Nottinghamshire)

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